Content available from April 4th until April 8th | Available only via invitation
“This generally involving film is gorgeous to watch thanks to its 500,000 hand-painted frames of vibrantly colored, enormously artistic animation.” — Los Angeles Times
”…it is not the words nor the acting that matters here as much as the beautiful visuals which wear the influence of Japanese master Hayao Miyazaki on its sleeve.” — Reeling Reviews”
• Best European Feature Film, European Film Award (European Film Academy), Berlin 2009
• Prix du Public, Mon premier festival, Paris 2008
• Prix du Public, Festival International du film pour enfants de Montréal, Canada 2009
• Environment Film Award, Children Film Festival, San Francisco, USA 2010
Mia est une fillette d’à peine dix ans. Alertée par un pressentiment, elle décide de quitter son village natal quelque part en Amérique du Sud pour partir à la recherche de son père. Ce dernier travaille sur un chantier gigantesque visant à transformer une forêt tropicale en complexe hôtelier de luxe. La route est longue pour retrouver son papa. Mia doit franchir une lointaine montagne entourée d’une forêt énigmatique et peuplée d’êtres mystérieux…
*A noter : ce film est classé PG par la MPAA pour ses éléments thématiques, quelques scènes de danger et un langage légèrement inapproprié.
Mia is a little girl of barely ten. Alerted by a premonition, she decides to leave her native village somewhere in South America in search of her father. Her father is working on a gigantic project to transform a rainforest into a luxury hotel complex. The journey to find her father will be a long one. Mia will have to cross a faraway mountain surrounded by an enigmatic forest inhabited by mysterious beings…
*Please note: this film is rated PG by the MPAA for its thematic elements, some dangerous scenes, and slightly inappropriate language.
English title
Age Recommendation
French with English subtitles