Content available from November 15th until November 19th | Available only via invitation
“The film’s real energy comes from the rougher hewed scenes of the tough-talking class bickering and fighting, with a sense of documentary-realism sitting nicely with the more genial story of a glum violin teacher explaining the joys of classical music.” — Screen International
“Predictable? Yes. Pleasing? Definitely.” — Herald Sun (Australia)
Simon, qui approche de la cinquantaine, est un violoniste reconnu, mais il traverse un passage à vide dans sa vie et sa carrière. Il finit par enseigner le violon en 6ème dans un collège parisien, sous la direction de M. Farid. Son style d’enseignement strict ne l’aide pas à communiquer avec les élèves les plus difficiles. Un de ces élèves est Arnold, un garçon extrêmement timide mais doué, passionné par le violon. Inspiré par le talent brut d’Arnold et l’enthousiasme chaleureux du reste de la classe, Simon reprend goût à la vie et redécouvre les joies de la musique. Mais parviendra-t-il à surmonter les obstacles et à tenir sa promesse d’amener la classe jouer à la Philharmonie de Paris?
*A noter : le film contient certains passages avec un langage explicite, des propos potentiellement offensants et des allusions à des thèmes adultes.
Simon is a distinguished, but disillusioned violinist. Arnold is a shy student who is fascinated with the violin and discovers that he has a real talent for it. With Arnold’s raw talent and the joyous energy of his class, Simon gradually rediscovers the joys of music. Together, they will overcome many obstacles and succeed in enrolling the class in an end-of-the-year concert at the prestigious Philharmonie de Paris. Somewhere between the movies The Chorus and ‘The Class’, ‘Orchestra Class’ is an urban tale, a musical and personal adventure that trains a spotlight on classical music as a fabulous vector of exchange.
*Please note: the film contains some explicit language, potentially offensive language, and allusions to adult themes.
English title
Age Recommendation
Music, learning to play an instrument (violin), school band, youth, helping others, perseverance
French with English subtitles