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ALBERTINE CINÉMATHÈQUE is a membership based, educational and grant program, that aims at presenting recently released high profile French films on US campuses and nurturing an enduring passion for a very diverse and evolving cinema.

Faculty members of US universities and colleges can join our program for free and take advantage of our broad offering. Each year, our program centers around a curated Film Selection highlighting the most captivating French films. Our members can: book those films for events on campus, organize a full-lenght festival and apply for our Festival Grant, access our extensive Educational Resources containing interviews with filmmakers to supplement discussions in the classroom, or simply invite their students to attend our free virtual Film Club screenings followed by Q&As and conversations with acclaimed French directors.

We are delighted to offer our members and their students a year-round Film Club experience on FestivalScope, to enhance their curriculum and engage students on topical subjects.

For more information, click here

ALBERTINE CINÉMATHÈQUE is a program of Villa Albertine and FACE Foundation in partnership with the French Embassy in the United States, with the support of the CNC and Fonds Culturel Franco-Américain.

Presented by:

Face FoundationVilla Albertine French Embassy US
With the support of:


Sébastien Lifshitz 2001 1h 25m
Charlotte Gainsbourg 2021 1h 30m

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