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Merħba fis-sala taċ-ċinema online tal-PREMJU LUX TAL-UDJENZA fejn tista’ tara l-aħjar taċ-ċinema Ewropea bla ħlas.

Il-Parlament Ewropew u l-Akkademja Ewropea taċ-Ċinema, bi sħubija mal-programm tal-UE “Ewropa Kreattiva”, qed jippreżentawlek tliet films ta’ ispirazzjoni li qegħdin jikkompetu għall-Premju LUX il-ġdid – il-Premju Ċinematografiku Ewropew tal-Udjenza. Aħna qed noqogħdu FUQEK biex tinvolvi ruħek billi ssir parti mill-akbar ġurija taċ-ċinema li qatt kellha l-Ewropa.

Għall-ewwel darba, il-pubbliku, flimkien mal-Membri tal-Parlament Ewropew, se jagħżlu r-rebbieħ

Ara u VVOTA sat-23 ta’ Mejju 2021!

L-għadd ta’ biljetti huwa limitat.

User guide for Lux virtual cinema

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Welcome to the LUX Audience Award online cinema room to watch for free the very best of European cinema.

The European Parliament and the European Film Academy, in partnership with the EU programme Creative Europe, present you three inspiring films which run for the new LUX - the European Audience Film Award. And we count on YOU to get involved by becoming part of Europe’s biggest film jury ever.

For the first time, the public, together with Members of the European Parliament, chooses the winner.

Watch and VOTE by 23 May 2021!

Number of tickets is limited.

User guide for Lux virtual cinema

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ANOTHER ROUND Sfortunatament mhux disponibbli, minħabba s-sitwazzjoni kkawżata mill-pandemija
CORPUS CHRISTI Sfortunatament mhux disponibbli, minħabba s-sitwazzjoni kkawżata mill-pandemija

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