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Two TFLfilms shot through a sustainability lens, available for free for one month.

→ 7th October - 30th November 2024
→ Free
→ 500 views per film
→ Country availability may vary
→ In the original language with English subtitles


Greenwashing: the marketing tactic of portraying a company or organisation as more environmentally friendly and ecological than it actually is. Green…watching: the TorinoFilmLab amazing film showcase on Festival Scope wishing to put a spotlight on how the audiovisual industry can become more and more sustainable. There’s quite a difference, isn’t it?

Besides its love for wordplay, TorinoFilmLab is a staunch advocate for green cinema, actively promoting it in every possible way: from awards and masterclasses to the shape of a whole programme focused on fostering sustainable practices in the film industry, Green Film Lab - born in 2022. But when it comes to the environment, it is never enough.

TFL recently decided to launch Green Production Lab, an online and residential initiative targeting European professionals coming from the world of sustainability and teams of European producers + a crew member with a project at the pre-production stage, willing to develop together a full sustainability plan. The one and only session foreseen for 2025 (El Prat de Llobregat - Spain) is accepting applications until the 5th of November.

In this atmosphere, we couldn’t resist selecting two TFLfilms that perfectly capture the vibe: SUPERLUNA by Federico Bondi (Rome - Alice nella Città, 2023), a TFL Green Film Lab project that participated in the Trento workshop in 2022 and earned the GREEN FILM environmental sustainability certification label, and DAUGHTER OF RAGE by Laura Baumeister (TIFF and San Sebastián Film Festival, 2022), a TFL Audience Design Fund 2021 title set in contemporary Nicaragua, where a mother and a daughter live at the edge of a garbage dump.
The powerful interplay of nature and humanity is at the heart of these two TFL-supported films, which will be available for viewing throughout October.
Let the green…watching party begin.

TorinoFilmLab has been reframing the audiovisual landscape since 2008, supporting international filmmakers, auteurs, producers, and industry professionals. With over 200 titles developed and released at major festivals worldwide, TFL has become a go-to destination for storytellers.

TFL is organised by Museo Nazionale del Cinema and supported by Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union.

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